
Find dit perfekte match: Ved hjælp af deres lokalkendskab vil vores lokale konsulenter hjælpe dig med at finde egnede ejendomme med udgangspunkt i dine præferencer og forhandle favorable kontraktsvilkår på dine vegne.

I alle prisklasser

Hver enkelt destination har en lang række forskellige boliger, som passer til forskellige behov, livsstile og budgetter. Det kan tage lang tid og kræve en stor indsats at finde det helt rigtige for dig og din familie.

Hvordan kan vi hjælpe?

Med vores boligsøgningstjeneste vil vi på en uvildig måde fortælle dig om dine muligheder.Vi kan rådgive om forskellige boligområder, faciliteter, sikkerhed og fritidsaktiviteter – hele tiden under hensyntagen til dit behov og dit budget.

Lokal hjælp

Vi er synlige på de lokale boligmarkeder og kan forhandle fordelagtige kontraktvilkår samt håndtere alle formaliteterne i forbindelse med køb af et nyt hjem.

Vores boligsøgningstjeneste kan omfatte:

  • En tur rundt i boligområder, der passer til din livsstil og dit budget
  • Et besøg i udvalgte ejendomme
  • Hjælp med at forstå lejeaftalen og tilstandsrapporten
  • Hjælp med overdragelse af ejendommen og flytning
  • Interesseret i at høre om vores øvrige destinationsydelser? Klik her for at finde ud af, hvad vi også tilbyder.

1. Review details of home search service at destination

2. Accept service proposal

3. Complete home needs profile

4. Home search professional will contact you to find your new home

Virtual home search service

A virtual experience backed by real people to provide an AI-powered relocation app, supporting you through your home search – from start to finish.

1. Follow the dedicated registration link and download the app

2. Build profile and view matched property options

3. Co-ordinate all admin, agent communication and viewing appointments via the app

4. Experts available 24/7 on chat to answer any questions

Why use a specialist to help find your new home?

Property markets differ greatly so ensuring that you find the right place to call home at your new destination, even if it is only for a short time, is a critical part of making the relocation process a happy experience.

Making sure your commute time, proximity to good schools, access to green space or vibrant culture is factored into a property search are just some of the more personal aspects that an expert will take account of to make sure it’s the right fit for you. Not only is there an emotional risk of living somewhere that doesn’t feel right, there can also be unforeseen costs such as extra storage because your furniture doesn’t fit or loss of deposits because the contracts were not binding.

Home search experts will:

  • Provide local knowledge of the right areas to suit your lifestyle and budget
  • Ensure you don’t pay any unnecessary fees or above market rates
  • Guide you through the rent or purchase contract law at your destination
  • Help to co-ordinate other services, such as utilities or furniture rental, so it’s simpler to just move in.

Temporary or short stay accommodation

Our teams can also help you connect to local companies who help our customers with short stay housing or hotels if you have a gap between arrival and moving into your new home.