About Us

The Crown Worldwide Group companies all share a common quality – the experience and insight to accomplish anything, from the complex to the routine.

With you all the way

With nearly six decades of experience, relocating over three million families, we’ve never stopped listening to and learning from our customers.

Our advice encompasses the necessary formalities, but also extends to first-hand guidance that helps capture the magic of exploring a new home. From the moment you get in touch, we manage all aspects of your relocation, making everything simpler, reducing possible upheaval and being by your side.

To achieve this, our personal advisors combine hundreds of years of experience, keeping in touch with you regularly, offering helpful guidance and working with you to understand any concerns you may have.

Alongside the personal touch, our proprietary Smart Tech helps to put you in control when you need to be, with solutions like ePacking and our customer portal giving you the ability to control the details of your move from your phone, even when you’re on the move!

If it matters to you, it matters to us!

Doing more to help you Relocate with Confidence

Moving home can be both exciting and daunting. However, when that move also involves relocating internationally, the stakes are even higher. We’ll of course do all we can to support the logistical and emotional needs of you and those moving with you. That’s why we’ve created our guide to helping you relocate with confidence, designed to help you go knowing and start living as soon as you arrive.

Crown Worldwide Group

At Crown we support our customers globally through our regional headquarters and offices in 200 locations in almost 50 countries worldwide. Through that architecture, we are able to provide support to companies and individuals globally and locally with the services they need. Crown Worldwide Group is a unified organization, and the companies that make up the group share a common quality—the experience and insight to know how to accomplish anything, from the complex to the routine. Our company of people around the world helps you to manage a globally mobile workforce, to take care of local, national and worldwide relocations, to protect the integrity of your corporate information or to ensure the safe transit of fine art works. Whatever you ask of us, you can be certain we will do it well. Crown Worldwide Group is made up of complementary divisions offering business services all over the world. Find out more 🗗 

Crown World Mobility

Global mobility management for corporate businesses, comprising business critical assignment services—backed by a unique international network of offices and experienced people. Find out more 🗗

Crown Records Management

Maximizing value from corporate memory through the storage, active management, smart and timely distribution of information assets across the enterprise. Find out more 🗗

Crown Fine Art

The world’s first integrated fine art logistics service. Crown Fine Art’s passion for art is matched by its care in managing the movement and security of the world’s art treasures. Find out more 🗗

Crown Logistics

Adding value to supply chains in sectors as specialized as oil and gas  to hotels and high-end retailers. Services range from project management to specialized handling, forwarding, installation and third-party logistics. Find out more 🗗

Crown Workspace

While Crown Workspace has been supporting clients since before we can remember, the Workspace brand officially launched globally in 2018. We serve key markets across Europe, America, Middle East and Asia Pacific. Providing a customized and tailored solution for all types of office and workplaces, Crown Workspace’s services and expertise include Office Moving, Project Move Management, IT Services and Storage. Find out more 🗗

Crown Wine Cellars

Crown Wine Cellars membership clubs in Greater China are acknowledged as the world’s finest wine cellar facilities, dedicated to the meticulous handling, storage, distribution and long-term maturation and ultimate enjoyment of wine. Find out more 🗗

Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR activities range from initiatives to encourage inclusion and diversity, such as the Crown Coronets, releasing our first gender pay gap report in the U.K. and helping a huge range of charitable causes. We’re proud of all the CSR activities our employees are involved in and look forward to building on this progress.
Find out more 🗗 

Your moving questions answered

If you’re planning a move domestically or internationally, you will have many questions. Here are some FAQs that will help you with your new journey.