Moving overseas should be an incredible adventure, but for a lot of the families it can also be a stressful time. Adjusting to your new country can be inspiring but it’s important to remember that settling in takes time.
Here are some guidelines to help you and your family settle in :
Create a list of good things
Concentrate on all the positive opportunities available in your new country and not in all the things you missed. Relocating can be particularly difficult for kids as they tend to get attached to their surroundings. Setting up a routine as soon as possible and planning a list of fun family activities can be a great way of distracting from the change and can give everyone something to look forward to.
Team work
Sometimes the partner has the most difficult role in a family move. If you’re moving as a result of a job transfer, you will go to work, the children go to school, but your spouse/partner will be alone and also has to build new routines and relationships. Make establishing a new routine a team effort.
Keep doing your family traditions
Ensure that family traditions are continued in your new home - including certain family meals, holiday rituals and birthday celebrations. Include a few new rituals too, as you can always use these to explore the culture together with your family in the new country.
Join an intercultural programme
Enrolling your family on an intercultural training programme can be an good way of giving everyone a boost of confidence and to understand the culture and value of your new location.
Invite family and friends to visit you
Invite your family and friends to visit and share your new life and experiences with them. Exploring different areas or even going on a weekend trip can be a great way of getting to know the new surrounding while making memories that you can cherish.